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Sunday, May 24, 2015

20 Items to Keep in Your Vehicle for Emergencies

I don't know about you, but I spend a lot of time in my vehicle. I take the kids to their grand parents' while I'm at work, to the doctor, the dentist, to homeschool events, and to hang out with friends. I go to the grocery store, to my own doctor, to pay bills, etc. As a family, we go on field trips and vacations. You get the picture. I know I'm not alone in all this traveling. You do it, too. There are certain items that we should always keep in our vehicle "just in case." We hope to never have to use them, but it would be better to have them and not need them rather than need them and not have them.  

Here is a list of 20 items that the Hubby and I decided would be best to keep in my vehicle. 


Comment below if you have any other suggestions!

20 Items to Keep in Your Vehicle for Emergencies

1) Jumper Cables
2) First Aid Kit
3) Wool Blanket - wool is best because it will still keep you warm even if it's wet.
4) Air Compressor
5) Mechanic Tools
6) Gerber Multi-Tool - these will have several of the tools that might be helpful for a roadside emergency like pliers.
7) Dependable, Good Quality Knife like Case - I actually keep one of these on me at all times. You never know when you might need it.
8) Tow Rope
9) Lighter - I also keep one of these on me at all times.
10) Flashlight with Extra Batteries
11) Candles - a good light source that does not require batteries.
12) Cold Weather Clothing - hats, gloves, scarf, etc. (in winter, of course)
13) Walking Shoes - if you like to wear fashionable shoes, but need to walk to get help.
14) Get Home Bag - mine includes everything I would need if I had to walk home for some reason. This is something I hope I never have to use!
15)  Extra Change
16) Hand Sanitizer - we use this every time we get in the car to try to prevent sicknesses.
17) Water
18) Napkins and/or Wet Wipes
19) Non-Perishable Snacks
20) Travel Games - these will give the kids something to do if you are stuck somewhere for a while.

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