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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Book Review Trailer Tutorial

Tired of old-fashioned book reports? Try creating a book review trailer.


Book Review Trailer Tutorial


As promised in a previous post about a fun way to write a book report, this is a 10 Step Tutorial on how my son, CJ, created a book review trailer using Windows Live Movie Maker.


Step 1: Find the right book. CJ chose the Skeleton Creek Series.

Step 2: Watch other trailers and get ideas. YouTube is good for this. Check out CJ's Book Review Trailer on the Skeleton Creek Series.

Step 3: Write your narration/script. This is when CJ decided what he wanted to say about the books.

Step 4: Find pictures that accompany your narration/script. He used his script to find pictures that he thought would be a good representation of his narration.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Keepers of the Faith Award Banner Tutorial

How to make a Keepers of the Faith Award Banner

     As a Homeschool Mom, I'm always searching for programs that are going to enrich my children's lives. A friend told me about the Keepers of the Faith program. This program is to teach girls to become godly wives and mothers that know how to take care of a home.
     There are two different age groups: girls 4-6 years of age use the Little Keepers at Home handbook; and girls 7-16 years of age use the Keepers of the Faith handbook. I thought the Little Keepers at Home would be a wonderful addition to six year old Jay's Kindergarten curriculum.
     For each skill that Jay completes, she will receive an Award Pin. I wanted her to have a way to display her Pins. The Keepers of the Faith website sells a sash, as well as the material to make your own sash, but I wanted Jay's awards to hang on the wall under her brother and sister's awards. I thought she deserved a place of honor, too.
     A banner is a great way to do this. I wanted it big enough to hold all the awards that she will earn when she graduates into the Keepers of the Faith program, as well. This is what I came up with.

Keepers of the Faith Banner hanging on the wall
Keepers of the Faith Banner

If you would like to make your own Keepers of the Faith Banner, the materials list and instructions follow.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

My oldest daughter, Kat, came running into the house the other day. She was outside giving water to the rabbits when she noticed something strange in one of the rabbit pens. You guessed it! 

Baby Rabbits!!!!


We were given two new rabbits a couple of months ago. I know I should have checked their sex. I even told myself to take the time. But I didn't. And one of them was a male. So now we have three extra bundles of fur.

We have three adult males and three adult females, as well. They are all separated now, of course. 

Here are some really interesting facts about raising rabbits!

A Fun Way to Write a Book Report!

CJ created a Book Trailer video after finishing the Skeleton Creek series. He is in 8th grade this year. One of his favorite things about this series is the videos that went along with each book. He went to www.sarahfincher.com and entered the passwords provided in the books. He actually found some of the videos creepy....but in a good way, he said. I found this a great way to keep my son (a reluctant reader) interested in finishing the series. I will let you know how he created this Book Trailer video in another post.

Cookie Cutter Bird Feeders

Are you looking for a quick and easy project to do with the kids while snowed in? This Cookie Cutter Bird Feeder project from jugglingwithkids.com was perfect for our homeschooling family.....and the birds it fed!

Cookie Cutter Bird Feeder
Cookie Cutter Bird Feeder

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